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Classroom Rules and Procedures

German CHS 2018-2019


Frau Hummer


Wilkommen zu Deutsch!!!



Ms. Hummer’s (Frau) Classroom Expectations, Rules, Procedures and Consequences


The expectations, rules, procedures and consequences of my classroom are intended to keep the classroom environment safe, orderly and productive. Please respect the rules so we can maximize learning time together. The rules aren’t hard to follow or out of the ordinary, they are simply expected behaviors for high school students in this classroom. There is never a rule that does not have a purpose. Thank you for your cooperation!





Respect yourself, the teacher and others


Show respect for the teacher, yourself and the other students at all times.


Respect each other’s property. Avoid touching or writing on anything that does not belong to you, including desks, textbooks, people’s belongings, walls, white board, etc.


Don’t expect others to clean up your messes. Please pick-up after yourself.


Be a kind person. This is a bully-free classroom.



Put forth your best effort at all times.


*Always do your own best work.

*Put quality ahead of just getting it done.


Be prepared for class each day.


*Come prepared wit the all materials necessary

an organized class binder containing all necessary materials and handouts

a pen or pencil (your preference)

a highlighter

a planner to keep you organized (the most successful students are well organized).


Follow the directions when given.


When directions are given, do your best to follow them the first time. If you are confused or have questions, ask. 


Pay attention and participate


Engage in what is going on in the classroom. If you don’t understand something, please ask. Otherwise I might not know until the test if you didn’t understand something. If you are wondering about something, chances are someone else in the class is too. If you feel more comfortable waiting until after class, that is fine as well.


Preserve a positive learning environment


Student actions that interfere with teaching or learning will NOT be tolerated

Use class time to learn German: Please do not spend your time grooming. sleeping, talking, writing notes, reading a book, playing with a video game, playing on your phone, or doing work for other classes.


Take responsibility for your actions


If you are confronted with a rule infraction, own up to it. Don’t deny it or blame someone else. I’ll respect you more for it.


Every two weeks there will be a binder check. Please have these rules and regs as the first item in the binder so you can refer back to them.




Turn off cell phones and electronic devices. Phones, handheld game etc. are not permitted to be out during my class. I will NOT remind you every day. If you keep pulling out your phone or your Nintendo DS, there will be a consequence. If I see your phone I will take it and it will be given back at the end of the school day. Refusal to turn over a phone will be treated as insubordinate behavior.  ALL PHONES ARE TO BE TURNED OFF OR PUT ON SILENT. ALL PURSES AND MERSES/BACKPACKS ARE TO BE ON THE FLOOR NEXT TO YOUR SEAT. NO EXCEPTIONS.


No food or drink, except water.


*  Please do not ask to go fill your water bottle. You have six minutes between         

    classes. Please make sure you fill it at those times between classes, at lunch or 

    before PT.


Bathroom Breaks 


 If you need to use the bathroom please do so during the breaks between classes. No one will be leaving my room at the same time daily to use the bathroom. Adjust your schedule accordingly.  


Arrive to class on time and ready to learn.


When the bell rings, you need to be sitting in your assigned seat and ready to 

go. Don’t come in and ask to go to your locker. Be prepared with what you need 

for class.


Never line up at the door before dismissal.


Please remain in your seat until the bell rings. Never line up at the door before dismissal.


Do not cheat, plagiarize or copy work. This includes electronic translators on assignments. If I see you cheating on any assignment  - even for another class - I will give you a zero and report the incident to the other teacher as well as the assistant principal and parents.


Do your best work and turn it in on TIME.

Write your full name, German class, block and the date on all assignments 

Work must be neatly done and legible to receive credit. I am not going to go blind trying to read your handwriting. I will not accept assignments that are bunched, crinkled up, torn, illegible or sloppy.



If you come tardy to class, you must have a pass from the other teacher or the attendance desk. Come in quietly, go to your seat and get started. Do not stand around, say hi to several people and disrupt the class.


Get missed work from me.  If you come in late, I will have a copy for you. If you miss the entire class, try to stop in after school or the next day before PT so I can get the materials for you instead of taking up time in class.


Make-Up Work

If you miss a day, you technically have one day per day missed to make up the work. If you do not make up the work in the time frame given (as per the CHS student handbook) it will result in a “zero” for the grade unless there are extreme  extenuating circumstances.


Attendance is very important in being a success in German. Missing one day on a  block schedule is like missing two classes of the subject. People who miss repeatedly lose their groundwork in the class and the work often becomes very confusing. Coming to school is one of the most important things you can do to be a successful and accomplished student.






Verbal warning

Call home


Referral to assistant principal


*depending on the seriousness of the offense, that order might not be followed and the principal informed immediately.



Remember, what you might deem as “just having fun” might be “disruption of class” in my eyes. Think before you say or do something.

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